~ No Beginning and No End ~

Unravelled another truth of Life, the decisions are solemnly yours if you are the only one being affected by them. Collateral Damage or the revenue bookings of the fruits of those decisions are solemnly yours if you are the only one being affected by it. But if the pillars are being shared then the down force of the outcome might carry more latent force for one particular pillar than the other for that pillar could be the victim of vandalised approach to things.


If you are driving or you are playing with the hearts while holding the spades in your hand, always keep in mind the other characters and jokers in the world are not at your disposal. If you cannot be careful and upcoming, never ask for more than you can chew; for you may even loose what you have. Never do onto others what you don’t want to go through yourself. Every action has an equally resistive response catapulted to it.


Lighting never strikes twice but when it strikes for the first time it leaves a mark for the ages to come. The bolt is enough for the surroundings to be turned to ashes, but only those who humbly accept the bolt like the sand are able to convert the bolt of thunder into Glass of resilience and strength.


These sands which never seem to come in the fist of beholder are amicably the only substances that can bear it all. Be like the sand of time for rest the nature and forces of Gaya will handle them for you from Sunrise to Sunset, the force will take care.


Some call it the Chaos Theory, while others say Emotions and Feelings are things that cannot be Quantified or Evaluated. Many have tried to portray it metaphorically in songs, paintings, figurative words, photographs. But only two people in the world can understand them without any description one for whom they are meant and the other by whom they are meant. If the receiver fails to adjudge them, probably he/she is not worthy of them.


If a navigator cannot differentiate between dead end and detour then, it is better to find a new one. Time and tide wait for none, but who will tell the brain which also weighs the emotions and feelings which have no place in the theoretical world of ours. Those who are professionals of the game have gone numb long time ago, while to those who are exposed to the game of feelings by the virtues of fate. Time is the only assurance they seem to have, for you might be lonely the rest of the world isn’t.


Like the droplets of rain which lift you up when you are glee and help you cry so that no one else can watch, so are the moods of a person. Same situations in different perspectives seem to have a different effect on you.

These are those times when you cannot make seek from the head and toe, but the light of faith always keeps the lantern burning and enlightening the path of life.


If nothing else you will be even more determined to continue the chartered course of life with the belief ever more firmly and with the understanding that the walnut is not the same for everyone.


~ Dolphins and The Tribe ~

I walked a hundred miles without any ache, without a feeling of numbness..

It was meant to be, a journey that I was to embark on to reach the end of river, the opening into the sea, waiting for my dreams to take wings. Towards the end before the sea, I met a pack of Dolphins… who refilled me with life, their jitter and glitter reminded me of the times I use to have, the life I use to have before I started my journey. I smiled and thanked God everyday, Everyday I dozed off with a smile on my face. I was elated and happy to hang with the Bats see the world up side down if I had too; but like all good things of life suddenly Dolphins found new source, maybe I was dull maybe I was not energetic, or maybe I was not the same… or Vise-versa… I hope the Dolphin remembers me for I define my degree years in those three months…

The clocks run at the same pace but the time seems different… The sunshine is the same but the light seems different… The sea seems the same but the sailors are different…

I never altered my course for I will live my dreams accomplish my objectives in the sea of hope, I would be delighted if those Dolphins could join me in my happiness; for I never was able to be a part of their sorrows, their lows…

The path never gave me motion sickness but I do feel lost, not on the path but on the front of attachments, freedom, righteousness, belongingness… for these things were always dear to me and I think will always remain… for the kid inside refuses to die, It shouts and cries “ I define you.. I define us… You are you cuz of me.. You kill me and you will be like others”. He kept the quotient of seeing things in binary fashion, either the value is true or the value is false, there is nothing known as partial truth or partial false…

It was the series of journeys before this journey which taught the traveller to seek the life in the eyes… to seek devil in the eyes and also the guardian angels. I once lived in a jungle filled with substances that use to breadth today they don’t exist for me. Since then I met a herd in the Tribe of the East which showed me that my beliefs were true… That my principles based on which I was to transverse the Holistic path were true… They travel on their own path, I am on my own… All of us meet our fair share of Dolphins, but I am sure nobody met a pack like mine… The Members of the Tribe still communicate from time to time like we live in the huts next to each other.. I embraced the Dolphins as the member of the tribe too… for Dolphins are known never to leave the links they make in a lifetime.

I am still the same traveller, who for the first time was frank and confessed; is complicated, different from the rest… I hold the power to say no to herds which I dislike, but like my tribe says.. Once you give the trust then you have handed over the key to your life key to your happiness ; key to your sorrows, the key to breathing.. I am a traveller who seeks his own position on the map which he once charted for his route. Meandering is the path or the route so.

Dolphins are only disturbed by the magnetic fields; the induction seems strong, the tectonic seems to alter the route. As wired as it may seem I hope the tribe sticks together… For my Tribe is the one I look onto to share my Wealth no matter how poor I may be in future; I am the wealthiest person to have my tribe.. the one I redefined…

Tribe I hope never a day comes when I have to ask you how is your Journey so far, for I hope to know it step by step as you would know mine. Thus, when the Tribe meets we talk of present and look into the future together. We Bark and Guard each other with our Life and Enjoy in others happiness and take Pride in others success and remain humble in our own.

~If and Only If~

It is not necessary for People and THings to have thorns To Hurt


In fond memories of mine you rest. Your smile, your face, your eyes, your tears define my life. Continue reading

~ To Unknown ?? ~

Thoughts are a dangerous contagious element, of which only the Quarks know!!

Am down with a sore throat and body ache dragging myself to college, broke at wallet & rich at lending and huge at heart… Trying to ease of the pressure of numbness due to medicine, I lye in the canteen at my native table. Half awake, half sleep, infront of me girl troubling my already turbid mind not cuz of her beauty but of her striking resemblance to my ex-sis… Yeah true, it is!!! Here comes the troublemaker; the song on my mobile beating parallely to the troublemaker mind… Then enters she in the teen-canteen to disturb my perturbed and already turbulent mind; her heart unknown, her life unknown, all I know is the identification tag, her blissful smile, her smooth tone, and that is her appearance which reveals me of the sleepy ozone atmosphere. While I get my lended money back, I run towards the canteen hive, thinking what to buy reason unknown. Just the kicking in my tiredness & sick body bringing me back to reality, but it’s difficult to stop as I am already at the counter closer to her than ever but my mind troublesome mind flooding me with all the loads of sentinels that I have known, my ex-sis, my betrayed friends and sadness. The counter shouting & yawning waiting for my order…

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Value of Life :: Thanking all those who Matter

We often say “Why think of the consequences.. Lets Enjoy” we most of the times fail to keep in perspective that our life is not ours alone.. It belongs to all those attached to us our parents , relatives, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend.. And on and on.. I am one of those who like to live on the edge.

Will travel on rooftops, go on expeditions without notifying anyone, in-short living and doing whatever comes to my minds.. But the events in the past three days have cleared a lot of things about life and those who have helped make life so .. The good the bad and the evil = Thats ME !!! Continue reading


Life unravels in the most unexpected ways; destiny shapes life and carves out a distinct pattern of events for every living being. Future can never be predicted but there is one thing about future, it changes every time you look at it and the change is because you looked at it. At many times you may find yourself at crossroads with many possible outcomes. They say life is simple if lived truthfully but it is a fact that simple things are the most difficult to master, masters are those who perfect the art of simplicity. Continue reading

Love in 2009 ~ My views

©Jasneet Singh Kandhari

Loves, Romance have become fascination with kids in the same manner as they have about driving and drinking. They just want to fiddle with it. The respect, etiquettes & value the word “LOVE” hold have been lost; it’s more of a game nowadays. People fall in love that is what they call it just on the basis of Looks and Pocket!!!
Girls need a so called “Boyfriend’ as a chauffeur and a pay check. Whereas the boys need the so called “Girlfriend” or “Girlfriends” to show off to others, as if by doing so they will be above the rest or win some award. But they or I should say we don’t realize is that we are putting our parents respect dignity and expectations at stake, if not our!!! We times fail to understand our importance in our parents view. Continue reading

India Gets ~NSG~ waiver – Joins Nuclear Club

The Nuclear Deal Wins after 1000 deaths

Finally after years and months of ups and downs facing all the climax a deal can possibly meet at a global level. The Nuclear Deal gets through all the major hurdles.

The day President of United States, George W Bush on his visit to India declared the Deal and the basic framework was negotiated ; each and everyone  saw it as a topic of debate.

In INDIA it went upto the level that the present government (INA Congress) lost support of the left and had to undergo Trust Vote in the parliament. The two days of trust voting saw both the sides of the coin; one could clearly see the dirty politics and at the same time people who were serious about it. We saw The Nuclear Deal Being related to Muslims , the very communist party said the deal was threat to the secularism. If nothing worked bribery money plot was used.

Two powerful statements for the deal were of Umar Abdula and Lalu Prasad Yadav

One of the most power speech that was not delivered due to the comotion in the Indian parliament was of Prime Ministers Manmohan Singh’s ( you can view it here) Continue reading

Unstoppable Indians

Indians have been unstoppable in which ever field they may be in. One of the best civilizations flourished here in the ancient times. Many tried to slave this land but none were successful no one was able to withstand the strong determined people which latter will be called INDIANS; a republic democratic country which earned its status with a war unique in it own kind, the war which had freedom fighters like Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Shaheed Udham Singh, Subhase Chandra Bose and MAHATMA GHANDHI all in one battle. India is the only country which has shown Unity in diversity and surpassed all the social evils that try to break it.

Recent Years have seen; what can be called the golden period of the Indians. They have been creating news; whether it be

o International Politics

o Business

o Science

o Sports

o Entertainment

o Exploration

o Construction

o IT Sector

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Indo US Nuclear Deal Deserves A Safe Passage

Indo US Nuclear Deal Deserves A Safe Passage

Nuclear agreement between India and the United States will be seen as one of those decisive moments in international politics when two powers who have been courting each other for some time decide finally to cross the point of no return. The U.S. and India have `come out’, so to speak, and the world will never be the same again.

Every world order needs rules in order to sustain itself but sometimes the rules can become a hindrance to the hegemonic strength of the power that underpins the order. The U.S. has chosen to harnessing India’s evident strategic weight; the joint statement released by President George W. Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on July 18 2005; is the most dramatic textual manifestation.

New Delhi: “Welcomed the successful completion of discussions on Indo US Nuclear Deal and looked forward to the full implementation of the commitments “and this also ended the over four decades of sanctions slapped on india which was imposed after india first tested its nukes in 1974. The withdrawal of sanctions against Delhi will help India in many ways. It will open the gates for Indo-US cooperation in lucrative space research and scientific cooperation in many fields which are currently barred to Indians. The US has refused to offer a similar deal to Pakistan. India, Washington says, has demonstrated that it is a responsible nuclear power.

US had strong and pressing reasons. India for most of the time since independence in 1947 has been at loggerheads with Washington. India was considered a Soviet ally. All this suddenly changed after 9-11. America started to look at New Delhi as an important potential ally. The idea was warmly welcomed in Delhi which wanted to use the US clout to stop Pakistan from supporting militancy in Kashmir. The relationship quickly flourished and by late 2002 we heard both Indian and American officials talk of “strategic partnership”. A recent Pentagon report describes India as a “key strategic partner”.

After this deal, India is no longer a non-aligned power. It will no longer champion for Third World countries. The Indian elite has clearly decided to throw its lot with the Americans. New India wants to emerge as a global power and enjoy the fruits that go with that status. It is no longer concerned with ethics and morality in matters of policy.

Nuclear Deal agreement is a win-win situation from the Indian point of view. India will be able to build more nuclear power plants. At present it has 15 functional plants with an additional 7 under construction. India stuck to it guns during the course of tough negotiations during the finalization of the nuclear deal. It did not agree to open all its nuclear facilities to international inspection. Instead, it ingeniously divided its facilities into “civilian” and “military” ones and agreed to open only the civilian to international inspection.

Indo-US Nuclear Deal Deserves Safe Passage

nuclear power has enormous benefits in harnessing it as seen in countries which have used nuclear power successfully, e.g. France.(70% nuclear power)

Indian domestic uranium, is almost four times costlier than imported uranium because of the mining and production costs. If the Indo-US deal is materialised; the NSG’s uranium reserves are freed for export to India, India would be getting ready-to-use uranium at very cheap rates.

7 % contribution that nuclear energy would be making towards India’s energy mix by 2031-32 is a significant contribution.

To stop the deal would be derailing India’s nuclear energy goals.

The legislation amendments in Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 of U.S allows it to make a one-time exception for India to keep its nuclear weapons without signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Under the amendment, India must separate its civilian and military nuclear facilities, and submit civilian facilities to inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

This, is the real value of the deal in American and the Indian eyes and we should be aware of it.

For full information on the same and not one sided view refer to “Scrawlerz Blog